Friday, November 20, 2015

Outfit of the Day: Something Old, Something New.

Hello again, beautiful people!

Today's outfit of the day is inspired by my constant need for experimentation, and expansion in my personal style expression. This Missoni top had been collecting dust in my closet for a long time now and this past week, I decided to finally give this look a chance. I tend to buy pieces that are a bit outside of my personal style with the hopes of pushing my fashion sense and embracing something. However, all to often, those pieces get discarded to the recesses of my closet.

But, today, I say no  more to unnecessary cloth hoarding and yes to new, funky looks!

This is one of the times where I get to wear one of my handmade pieces, which is the Wool Bandeau that I'm wearing under the Missoni top.

It truly makes me quite happy when I wear one of my pieces because there is a massive sense of accomplishment that comes with knowing that I made something that's good off enough to wear outside and receive compliments on.

Winter break is inching nearer and nearer and while I'm anxious about the end of the semester and final exams, I am also longing for the days off and time I can spend sewing and honing my craft. I get a surge of excitement thinking about my future trips to the fabric stores and all the fun designs I will create my own hands.


Outfit Details: Jacket: Vintage | Top: Missoni Italy | Wool Bandeau: Handmade | Jeans: H&M Mom Jeans ($10 find!) | Shoes: Wesley & Co. | Glasses: Vintage pair, found at Urban Jungle See you all soon! Love & Light, Rachel.

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