Monday, October 5, 2015

A Trip to Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge + Impromptu OOTD.

Wearing: To the Max Sweater(as a top) | Worsted Tex Men's Blazer | Vintage Floral Skirt | Deena & Ozzy Lace up Boots.
Going into my Ecology course this semester, I came in ready to be bored to death twice a week for 4 hours. Instead I've been exposed to a wealth of nature, and beauty. Encountering an array of luscious greens, yellows reds & blues that make me wish the fall would stay a bit longer because when winter sets in, this beauty will once again be locked away.

For now, I will cherish the blessing that nature brings from it's humblest of packages to it's unavoidable majesties.  I always thought I was an ~earth babe~ but I'm truly living up that title now.
Take a trip to your local park & become one with  the local flora and fauna. Explore the endless beauty that nature has to offer in your city.
Just don't forget your camera and comfortable walking shoes! Tell them Rachel sent ya ;)
Love & Light,
Rachel. ++


  1. Nice skirt :)
    Maria V.

  2. rachelndubuisi@gmail.comOctober 7, 2015 at 4:14 PM

    Thank you, Maria :)
