Wednesday, October 14, 2015

OOTD: Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Vintage Top || Liz Claiborne Shorts  || Double H Boots || American Apparel Socks || Urban Outfitters Glasses

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, I'm rocking this very pink look. It's been amazing seeing the New York City go pink, from my favorite bloggers to my favorite coffee (shoutout to Oren's Coffee Shop on William St!)

We all know that breast cancer is one of the leading killers of men, and all women, despite social, economic and racial boundaries can be afflicted with this disorder.

In order to spread awareness, here a few things you need to know about breast cancer.

  1. know your breasts. Routine testing and early detection is extremely important. Check your breasts on a weekly basis and also have routine checks with your physician to make sure everything is in order.

  2. Men get breast cancer too. Men get it at a much lower rate than women but it does happen and I will encourage any men reading this to start checking their breasts for any signs.

  3. African-american women are more likely to die from breast cancer. This means that as women, especially African american women it is extra important for us to have routine check-ups because early detection is a huge key in survival.

  4. Be healthy. Following a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants and cancer-fighting nutrients, as well as exercising, minimizing alcohol (more than one drink a day on average increases a woman’s risk), and maintaining a healthy weight can all be beneficial in reducing breast cancer risks.

Take care of yourselves!

Love & Light,


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